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Undergraduate Courses

MAE 156A.

Advanced Strength of Materials (Sp 2025)

Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Requisites: courses 82, 101. Not open to students with credit for course 166A. Concepts of stress, strain, and material behavior. Stresses in loaded beams with symmetric and asymmetric cross sections. Torsion of cylinders and thin-walled structures, shear flow. Stresses in pressure vessels, pressfit and shrink-fit problems, rotating shafts. Curved beams. Contact stresses. Strength and failure, plastic deformation, fatigue, elastic instability. Letter grading.

Graduate Courses

MAE 259B. 

Dynamic Behavior of Materials (Wi 2025)

Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Stress waves in one-dimension. Uniaxial stress (bar waves) and strain (plane waves). Dispersion of elastic waves. Shock waves, Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions, shock Hugoniot, material isentrope, material equation of state, role of shock on temperature change and dissipation. Dynamic experimental techniques including long rods, plate impact, dynamic failure. Letter grading.

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